Spiritual Internship: A journey through the Four Winds Pathway and Shamanic Cultures

Spiritual Internship: A journey through the Four Winds Pathway and Shamanic Cultures

The heart is the place of union where the luminous consciousness is made.

Spiritual Internship: A journey through the Four Winds Pathway and Shamanic Cultures

The Four Winds Pathway to personal power centered on the Indigenous teachings of shamans, elders and healers based on firsthand experience of their teachings and practices. This is knowledge gained firsthand not from a workshop or seminar.

Spirit Man of Teotihuacán …

In May 1995, I had an Otherworldly experience at Teotihuacán. This ancient metropolis was called Tollan. In Nahuatl, Tollan simply means Great City. Its inhabitants were known as Toltecs, the Nahuatl name for Master Craftsmen. This City of the Gods was the birthplace of the myth and religion of Quetzalcóatl, the birthplace of the Nahuatl culture; and to call its people by their time-honored and indisputable name of Toltecs. For the Toltecs, Quetzalcóatl was their ancient symbol of wisdom.

It was midnight when I interacted with the Spirit Man of Teotihuacán. He identified me as Quetzalcóatl.

The deity Quetzalcóatl and I are united at our point of similarity, the point where the god’s powers are found in a human. It seems in this lifetime I’ve become Quetzalcóatl, the nahual or co-essence of the great deity Quetzalcóatl, with a destiny… to birth the Sixth Sun – 2029.

All of our stories are told in our memoirs: Tequila and Chocolate, The Adventures of the Morning Star and Soulmate.

The Prophecy

When the Eagle of the North flies with the Condor of the South, the spirit of the land will re-awaken. – Inca prophecy.”

This is the time of The Fifth Pachakuti (Peruvian Fifth Sun), which ushers in a new level of consciousness for humanity.

There is a prophecy from both the North American and the South American First Nation people that relates to a time when: “the Eagle and the Condor fly together, the Age of Peace will manifest.” The Prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor is an ancient Indigenous prophecy from the people of the “Americas,” that spoke of a time when the Eagle and the Condor — representing the indigenous peoples of the North and the South — would reunite once again with their original knowledge, strength, diversity, and connection.

Rev. Dr. JC Husfelt and Rev. Sherry Husfelt have studied, been initiated, and are holders of the shamanic lineage of Vince (the Eagle) and Mom Stogan, Salish Northwest Coast First People. Dr. Husfelt is a holder of a shamanic lineage being initiated in the sacred lagoon on Markawasi Plateau, Peru by Don Eduardo Calderon Palomino (the Condor), who named him “Big Cat That Flies.”

Awaken Your Light Body

Have you hungered for a complete approach to spiritual awakening — one that blends Heaven and Earth, masculine and feminine, stillness and action, into one transformational path?

Are you yearning for truth and willing to go through whatever changes are necessary to stand as the sacred, powerful being that you are?

Then you’re ready for mystical philosopher Rev. Dr. JC Husfelt, the Morning Star, and soulmate Rev. Sherry Husfelt who are offering you nothing less than a synthesis of the spiritual gold from the highest teachings of the East and West, North and South.

This program/apprenticeship has the potential to awaken your light body birthed from the divine spark/fire within.

This is not an abstract idea, but rather a higher calling for all of us who are awakening and committed to being positive change agents.

Our Four Winds Medicine Wheel

It builds on four decades of the Husfelt’s profound mystical and spiritual/shamanic training, as well as their most sublimely shattering spiritual experiences, to give you a clearly defined map and a potent set of tools that can — if you truly harness them — propel you through the birth canal into a new way of life.

Our pathway recognizes the fifth direction—the center of our medicine wheel, the center of the circle where the interpenetration of heaven and earth occurs. In other words, the form or layout of our pathway is a quincunx— “a cross in which the center is of the same importance as each of the arms, which, in turn, represent the four cardinal directions and the four ‘cardinal’ points of the sun’s diurnal course.”  The center, fifth direction, is metaphorically a reflection of our heart, the core of our soul – our divineness, and our mind – our humanness—the interpenetration of heaven and earth—Hombre Dios, a divine human being—a Quetzalcóatl, a Feathered Serpent.

Specialize Your Internship

Our Internship is based on the First knowledge of Indigenous cultures from the North, South, East, and West. It is knowledge woven throughout and found in all the first peoples’ spiritual and religious traditions on this Earth.

Cultures for Specialization:

  • Norse -receive Dr. Husfelt’s book – Return of a Green Philosophy
  • Peruvian/Toltec/Maya – receive Dr. Husfelt’s book – Return of the Feathered Serpent
  • Celtic/The Grail Mysteries
  • Hawaiian
  • Greek/Mediterranean
  • Northwest Coast First people
  • Japanese

Details: A seven-month training beginning March 2023 and completing September 2023 with an ancient initiation. All experimental exercises are optional.

Our Internship includes textbook – Morning Star’s Seven Steps to Spiritual Awakening, a Four Winds Manual, one on-site long weekend training and monthly phone consultant (30 minutes), every other month Zoom sessions before the on-site training.  Each month includes lesson plans, experiential homework, and suggested readings. The weekend training begins Thursday evening and completes on Sunday at noon: September 2023. Location: Olympic Peninsula, Washington State.

At the successful completion of the training, you will be ordained by the nonprofit One Earth Church of Divine Humanity with the ability to conduct spiritual counseling and eligible to join our year-long Apprenticeship Program.

Fee: $1850 in full or a payment of $600 then $200 a month for seven months. Maximum students: eight, Minimum: four. A 10% discount if paid in full before February 1, 2023.

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